Advice for conquering the cold this Sunday
We are all set for the 5th Cancer Research UK London Winter Run this Sunday, which despite a flurry of snow, will be going ahead as planned. As you might expect from an event with ‘winter’ in its name, it’s going to be rather cold! Although the current weather forecast suggests no precipitation (hooray!).
Here’s some last minute information and advice
Plan your journey
We won’t be able to delay the start of the event, or allow runners to start who are late, as the roads of Central London need to be re-opened. Please ensure you have a backup plan if your travel route is impacted by the cold weather. Engineering works are also impacting certain lines.
Dress warmly
Consider some extra layers or items. Stick on those long trousers, leggings, hats and gloves. You won’t regret being wrapped up.
Another layer isn’t too much
Why not wear an old top or two to the start and take it off just before you start? The team from Cancer Research UK will recycle it for you. If you haven’t got one perhaps try a charity shop on Saturday (double charity joy!), or if nothing else wear a bin liner with holes punched in it to keep the wind off.
Warmth in numbers
We recommend dragging inviting friends and family along to join in the fun. They can hold your stuff whilst you run, and enjoy the live music and characters as you complete your 10k challenge. Just make sure you arrange before you start an obvious meeting place so you can find each other!